Franciscan statues on Mt Subasio

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Un-masking the "god particle"...will the clock strike midnight?

     Recent scientific news from Europe's huge Haldron subatomic collider experiment suggests that the elusive "Higgs" particle may soon be identified.  In 1964 the Scottish physicist, Peter Higgs, proposed a theoretical solution to resolve the problem of how the building blocks of all sub-atomic particles (quarks, leptons and weak guage bosons) acquire mass.  This issue had to be resolved in order to verify the basic underlying theory of quantum physics - the Standard Particle Model. 
     Working at the various atom smasher units around the globe, hundreds of physicists have struggled to identify such a particle.  Publicists of their work claimed that this might be the "missing link" to explain creation and somewhere in that flood of writing there arose the catchy name for it..."the god particle".  But a sub-atomic particle ( really a bit of energy and its force field) is very different from the "Origin and Absolute One" which humanity has always called God!
     Yet, will this Higgs ("god") particle explain the creation of our universe?  No, it will provide more information about how the energy of that "Big Bang" generated into the pattern of matter and force which is our universe of reality.  But WHAT SOURCE created the Higg's particle or the energetic speck of matter called the Big Bang?  That question is the "hinge point" where scientific investigation and human spirituality meet.  In blind isolation from each other, neither science nor spirit can fully answer the question of the origin and evolution of all which has been the substance of human experience. 
     The huge super collider at CERN may soon discover this Higgs ("god particle"), but it will be the humble human heart on its spiritual quest that will be the "soul-collider" seeking to experience the fullness of the Absolute God of all reality.  Hopefully the day will come when both will do their work in unison and harmony!

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