( a continuation of thought...)
When modern Christians seek answers to the basic questions surrounding the origin of our planet, its life and ourselves, they often run into the EVOLUTION controversy. Its like a fast trot through a minefield of some ugly battle. "If you think that it might be true, you'll find yourself LOST and up to your neck in stinking mud!...or touch that intellectual bombshell and you'll be blown right to hell!".... Yet, we may find ourselves running onward, ducking bullets of insult and fear, because we realize that our mind is a powerful part of life and has given us many good things. Can we use its power of observation and reason to INQUIRE about these fundamental questions or must we simply accept what's presented to us and passively INGEST the "religiously correct" answer?
It always amazes me how an intelligent person can sit before their TV and watch the local weatherman describe the meterological elements which compose an advancing storm event. We accept the scientific understanding of variant atmospheric pressure and wind changes in the jet stream and yet, whenever there's a word mentioned about the manner in which this planet's life originated and "unfolded", all hell breaks-out with accusations that the observant Christian can not recognize the "hand" and purpose of God within the findings of science...especially, evolution of this planet's biomass.
One of the FIRST STEPS to be taken by an inquiring mind should be acceptance of the basic reality that God is neither hurt nor angry when we ask questions...even questions about the nature and action of the Divine. In fact, I think that God wants us to wrestle with the Divine Mystery and how it relates to us and to this world. If you need Scripture passages to support this thought, just recall the hundreds of questions thrown-up to God by the Patriarchs, king David, the prophets and even Jesus' disciples.
But now, we get back to the "sticky point" in our conversation. Many Christians will admit that it's true that you can question God; but if you properly search the Bible, you'll find the relevant answers. A return to "authoritative" sources, such as the holy writings, and the comments of church leaders will supply "pre-digested" answers to INGEST (in one big gulp!). But that approach will not allow our INQUIRING mind to search for ansers generated by the world around us. It is true that God has revealed much about the divine nature and purpose to us by means of the Scriptures; but it is also true that creation of the cosmos and its life reveals much about God! Must we conclude that the realities of life, explained to us by scientific discoveries, are invalid when it comes to the question of how life originated and developed on planet Earth? Is it possible that God created that first "spark of life" with at least two intrinsic drives: the ability to unfold itself into increasingly complex structurers of life and also with a strong instinct to seek relationship with the Creator? Our engagement with that possibility may be the path by which we can find the "Christian" God and Creator within the process of evolution! Scientific methodology will never tell us WHO created life, but it may reveal something about the divinely appointed mechanism by which life will achieve its ultimate goal and purpose with the Creator. As this blog continues, let's keep in mind that our search must always include questions (which can generate response from us) to that PURPOSE within the creation. (to be continued..)
PS. If this sounds a bit "edgy", my son recently told me that if you're not living on the edge, you're taking-up too much space!!!